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  • 2023-07-15

    Economic self-interest or cultural threat? Migrant unemployment and class-based support for populist radical right parties in Europe

    Labor market competition theory has traditionally analyzed the threat perceived by lower and middle class’ natives on competition over jobs with immigrants. However, in this article we focus on the fiscal burden and competition for social benefits generated by unemployed immigrants and its impact on the vote for Populist Radical Right Parties (PRRPs). Combining individual-level data and aggregate unemployment indicators for over 60 regions from 10 EU countries, we show that, on the one hand, upper class natives seem to support PRRPs when migrant unemployment rates are higher, irrespective of migrants’ origin, which is consistent with the fiscal burden model. On the other hand, lower and middle class natives are more likely to support PRRPs only in contexts of higher unemployment rates among non-EU migrants (but not among migrants from other EU member states), pointing towards an interaction between cultural and economic explanations. These findings underscore the need to account for migrant populations’ characteristics and to consider not only labor competition, but also the fiscal burden to better understand how unemployment may impact PRRP voting.
    Otwarty dostępArtykułyJournal article
  • 2024-07-23

    Conceptualizing and measuring support for democracy: a new approach

    Much of what we know about public support for democracy is based on survey questions about “democracy,” a term that varies in meaning across countries and likely prompts uncritically supportive responses. This paper proposes a new approach to measuring support for democracy. We develop a battery of 17 survey questions that cover all eight components of liberal democracy as defined by the V-Dem project. We then ask respondents from 19 national samples to evaluate these rights and institutions. We find considerable heterogeneity across countries in how our items cohere, especially in less developed contexts. Yet, those items that are more weakly connected with general support for liberal democracy tend to reveal the influence of political events and actors, arguably indicating weaknesses in political cultures. We further identify a concise subset of seven items that provide a reliable and valid measure of support for liberal democracy across our different samples.
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  • 2024-08-29

    Hypocrisy moderates self-interest bias in moral character judgments

    Myślińska-Szarek, Katarzyna
    Miazek, Katarzyna
    Self-interest bias describes an observer’s tendency to judge moral transgression leniently when they benefit from it. However, what factors moderate the self-interest bias is an open empirical question. Here, we investigated to what extent hypocrisy moderates the self-interest bias. Preregistered Study 1a (N = 194) and replication in Study 1b (N = 193) demonstrated that observers’ interest impacts moral character judgments of hypocritical transgressors. This effect was explained by observers’ goal attainment due to transgression (Study 2, N = 713) and agreement to aid observers’ or ingroup interests (Study 3, N = 634). Importantly, transgressors’ hypocrisy moderated the impact of observers’ interests in moral character judgments (Studies 2 & 3). In summary, when judging hypocritical transgressors, peoples’ moral character judgments tend to be biased by their or their group’s interests. However, in comparison to non-hypocritical transgressors, this impact is less pronounced.
    Otwarty dostępArtykułyJournal article
  • 2024-08-29

    How Do Opinions Power the Group Up? A Critical Review of Social Identity Concepts in Opinion-Based Groups

    We conducted a meta-analysis and a narrative review of the concept of the social identity in opinion-based groups and its impact on intergroup relations. The following research questions were explored: what is the general predictive value of the construct in the realm of group dynamics? How does the process of identity shaping unfold? What determines the intensity of identification with like-minded people? What are the possible consequences of such identification? The quantitative results identified 45 studies with 124 independent effect sizes, representing 30063 observations. Analyses revealed a medium positive relationship between social identity and intergroup phenomena (r = .46) with a high degree of heterogeneity and identified three significant moderators responsible for the total observed variance in effect sizes. The narrative review showed that among main paths of forming intergroup connections, opinion-based groups were investigated mainly through cooperation (collective action) rather than positive intergroup contact (prejudice reduction). The dominant context shifted from political to social issues, focusing on transnational grassroots activism. Research predominantly explored social belonging as a predictor of in-group intentions, neglecting the factors contributing to its development. We highlight vagueness in the operationalization of this phenomenon. Our analysis identifies significant gaps for future research.
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  • 2024-06-14

    „Dopieszczeni przez pana”. Czy istnieje alternatywa dla „zwrotu ludowego”?

    The essay’s author addresses the arguments of critics of the so-called “people’sturn” in historiography, who in their description of relations in rural serfdom inPolish lands emphasise above all their complementary nature and alleged harmony,while also recognising the patriarchal and hierarchical order as the natural state ofthings, in which there was no need for the peasant to rebel. He shows that identicalarguments were put forward by conservative columnists defending the serfdomsystem in the 19thcentury. They wrote, for example, about the patrimonialconvention in the relations between heir and peasant, they belittled the scale ofviolence, and they emphasised the alleged timelessness of the peasant’s existence,“rooted in nature”. In addition he points to the selective approach taken by theauthors of two reviewed works in regard to sources, along with their omission ofkey publications in international literature on the subject.
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