Recent Submissions


Wystawa "Korekta Losu"

Rzeszowska Akademia Fotografii
Małgorzata Wakuluk
The series of photographs presented by Anna Gondek-Grodkiewicz at the exhibition entitled "Correction of Fate" tells about a person, their life priorities and the search for goals. The series includes 40 photographs. The exhibition presented the works of two photographers, in addition to Anna Gondek and Paulina Holtz. The exhibition was organized by the Rzeszów Academy of Photography. The curator of the exhibition was Małgorzata Wakuluk from Polish Women Photographers. The exhibition took place in the BWA Rzeszów Gallery, as part of the "V Rzeszów Weekend of Photography" co-financed by the City of Rzeszów. Exhibition partners: Polish Women Photographers, Rzeszów City Photography Gallery, Panasonic Polska.
Osiągnięcia artystycznePrace artystyczneparticipation in a group exhibition

Cykl ilustracji do magazynu „W Kratkę" nr 7

Marcin Wysocki is the author of illustrations for the text "Radzić sobie, mimo wszystko" by Mateusz Marczewski, editor-in-chief of the 7th issue of the magazine "W Kratkę" and a series of illustrations for the poem "Odrodzenie dusz", published in the same issue. "W Kratkę" is co-created by people incarcerated in the Warsaw Grochów Detention Center, the Wołów Penitentiary and artists from the Department of Graphic Arts at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities. The magazine is published by the Dom Kultury Foundation, with funding from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The publication is distributed in penitentiary units in Poland and its English version "In a Grid" abroad.
Osiągnięcia artystycznePrace artystyczneauthorship of a work - design arts

Grafika "Self-Portrait 2023"

Berryboy Art Gallery, Triennale Grafiki w Belgradzie, Triennial of Graphic Arts – Sofia, Osten Biennial Skopje
The self-portrait created by Piotr Szewczyk is a digital graphic, made based on photography and original algorithms. The physical form (digital print) was made on various substrates and in various dimensions, from A2 format (pigment print on paper) to 1.5 x 3 m format (DTT print on cotton fabric). The work was presented at the international exhibition "PHENOMENA" organized by Berryboy Art Gallery, at the collective exhibition of the 5th International Triennial of Graphics competition in Belgrade, at the individual exhibition entitled "Perfectly Lasting Now" at the Intimate Gallery of the Silesian Library in Katowice, at the collective exhibition Triennial of Graphic Arts Sofia 2023 and at the collective exhibition Osten Biennial Skopje 2024, as a work included in the collection.
Osiągnięcia artystycznePrace artystyczneauthorship of an artistic work

Artykuł naukowy "Materiały, które płyną. O praktykowaniu reologii"

The article by Ewa Klekot entitled "Materials that flow. On the practice of rheology" was published in the magazine "Autoportret. Pismo o dobre przestrzeni" in issue 4 [83] 2023. The article was published on pages 74-79 of the issue and concerns the phenomenological analysis of the manufacturer-material relationship in relation to ceramic materials and glass. The magazine "Autoportret" is a quarterly, published by the Małopolska Institute of Culture in Krakow. The magazine is published in paper and online. The partners of the magazine are: the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the National Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning.
Osiągnięcia artystyczneInne osiągnięcia artystycznechapter in a multi-author publication