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  • 2023-06-30

    Dezinformacja. Próba ujęcia dyskursywnego

    The categories of disinformation and fake news are among the more frequently invoked concepts in the context of discussions about modernity. On the one hand, there is widespread agreement on the special (negative) role of media phenomena defined in this way, while on the other hand, a lot of research is being conducted to shed light on their nature and principles of operation. Meanwhile, there is a fundamental – at least from the point of view of the social sciences – problem with these concepts. Namely, we do not have their precise definitions. The presented text has the task of analyzing the state of affairs in this regard and proposing an adequate approach. This approach, in fact, identifies the category of disinformation with the category of fake news (in the broader sense), while pointing out the constitutive features of both these phenomena, related to the categories of truth, intention and media format. These features are analyzed in the context of the category of the media genre of information (more specifically, the information function understood in a pragmatic way) and the discursive framework of journalism, into which, as will be shown in the text, disinformation attempts to intrude.
    Otwarty dostępArtykułyJournal article
  • cc-by

    Breaking the Loop: A Meta-Analysis on the Bidirectional Effects of Materialism on Social Well-Being Outlining Future Research Directions

    This meta-analysis examines correlational and experimental research linking materialism—broadly understood as an excessive focus on acquiring wealth and possessions that convey status—and social well-being—characterised by healthy interpersonal relationships and a sense of social support and integration. We identified 55 reports containing 72 independent studies and 123 effect sizes (N = 44,376). Meta-analytic calculations yielded a pooled effect of r = −0.18, suggesting that the effects of materialism on social well-being (e.g., loneliness or relationship satisfaction) may be greater than the effects of materialism on individual well-being (e.g., self-esteem or life satisfaction). Moderation analyses revealed that the effects are bi-directional, consistent across genders and cultures and significantly stronger in children and adolescents. These findings emphasise the universal and reciprocal link between materialism and social well-being and highlight the particular vulnerability of younger populations. Based on the results, we propose suggestions for further research to address the existing gaps and strengthen the current evidence, and recommend a sample size of 240 participants for correlational studies and 50 participants per group for experimental research. This work calls for targeted interventions and policies to tackle the adverse social effects of materialism, particularly among young populations.
    Otwarty dostępArtykułyJournal article
  • 2023-10

    "I can't focus now, I will study tomorrow" The link between academic procrastination and resistance to distraction

    Procrastination is a tendency to delay tasks, despite knowing that it might lead to negative consequences. Previous studies have shown that students who frequently procrastinate, present difficulties with maintaining attention during task completion. These problems might be related to decreased resistance to distraction caused by task-irrelevant stimuli appearing in the surrounding environment. In the present study we verified this hypothesis investigating the relationship between procrastination and susceptibility to distraction with the use of behavioral and neurophysiological measures. We recruited high (HP) and low (LP) procrastinating students and asked them to perform an Auditory Visual Distraction task which required participants to respond to visual stimuli and ignore the preceding sounds. Although HP (vs. LP) did not show increased orientation of attention towards distracting sounds, they were still less attentive to task-relevant stimuli. These results indicate that procrastination-related attentional deficits might be linked to other sources of distraction, such as mind-wandering episodes.
    Otwarty dostępArtykułyJournal article
  • 2024-02-01

    Participation in polish local elections: sheer rational choice or social embeddedness fate?

    In this article, a modest attempt is undertaken to connect the rational choice theory mechanism with the sociological theory of voting, as efforts to juxtapose both theories are still rare, although some cited accomplishments offer interesting insights. Our dependent variable is participation in a local election in Poland. The local government elections in Poland seem to offer a setting particularly well-suited for a test of the rational choice hypothesis and its relation to sociological explanations of voting behavior. The essential contribution of the article derives from our conviction that social embeddedness and rooting into the social milieu and local community matter for both the cost of participating in a local election and the cost of deciding whether to participate. In the world of post-cleavage politics, individualization of political behavior and involvement in (new) social networks play an increasingly important role. The general finding can be summarized as follows: the social embeddedness of citizens does enhance the probability of participation in an election; however, it does not substitute for the impact of rational motivation factors, nor does it significantly decrease the latter’s net impact on our dependent variable.
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  • 2024-06-28

    Trolle jako kreatorzy dezinformacji. Analiza zjawiska

    When there were only traditional media such as press, radio or television, communication was structured and predictable. The emergence of social media has not only changed us as users, but has provided completely new opportunities for communication. At the same time, unfortunately, there were threats resulting from the lack of content control, its rapid growth and the impact on the creation and distribution process, which increased the amount of disinformation. These factors have created fertile ground for trolls carrying out disinformation attacks in the form of entertainment publications or hate speech publications. Their role is to ridicule or insult, and their goal is to destabilize the discussion, mislead their interlocutors, and thus damage the good name of a person or group. The article describes the phenomenon of trolling and its relationship with disinformation, focusing on the features, behaviors and effects of such activities.
    Otwarty dostępArtykułyJournal article