Monografia (zamknięty dostęp)

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  • 2024

    The Phenomenon of Disinformation from a Psychological Perspective: Determinants and Counteraction

    The chapter examines the phenomenon of disinformation from a psychological perspective, considering its impact on society and individuals. The author discusses cognitive mechanisms that make people susceptible to false information, including cognitive biases, confirmation bias, and heuristics. Manipulative strategies used in both social and traditional media are analyzed, along with methods to counteract disinformation through media literacy and critical thinking. Special attention is given to the role of emotions and social polarization in the spread of false content.
    Pozostałe osiągnięcia naukoweMonografia (zamknięty dostęp)Monograph Chapter
  • 2025-01-09

    Poland (history of legal education)

    Partyk, Aleksandra
    Cownie, Fiona
    Bradney, Anthony
    Jones, Emma
    The main aim of the text is to show the evolution of legal education in Poland since its restoration of independence and the establishment of the Second Republic. The Polish case is interesting insofar as, contrary to instinctive presumptions, legal studies in this country have been largely unaffected by ideological and political changes. Whether it was the period of a democratic nation-state, an authoritarian, communist state or a contemporary constitutional liberal democracy, the dispute within the legal academy has revolved around issues other than ideology. The dominant political formation has only a limited influence on the focus of discussions within the legal academy.
    Pozostałe osiągnięcia naukoweMonografia (zamknięty dostęp)Monograph Chapter
  • 2025-01-09

    Poland (regulation of legal education)

    Cownie, Fiona
    Bradney, Anthony
    Jones, Emma
    The regulation of legal education in Poland is governed by the Law of 20 July 2018 on Higher Education and Science (HEaS Law). Legal studies in Poland are classified as uniform master’s studies, lasting five to six years, and can be conducted in either full-time or part-time formats. Universities offering legal education must comply with specific requirements, including obtaining permission to establish law studies, which involves an evaluation by the State Accreditation Commission (SAC). The curriculum for law studies must meet detailed criteria set out by the Minister of Science and Higher Education. The option for distance learning is available but with certain limitations. Admission to law studies requires a high school diploma, with criteria for admission set by the respective university. Academic teachers in law must meet certain competence and experience requirements. The quality of legal education is evaluated by SAC through programme or comprehensive assessments.
    Pozostałe osiągnięcia naukoweMonografia (zamknięty dostęp)Monograph Chapter
  • 2025-01-09

    Poland (contemporary legal education)

    Cownie, Fiona
    Bradney, Anthony
    Jones, Emma
    Legal education in Poland reflects the nation’s rich legal heritage, providing a dual pathway: the classical route leading to traditional legal professions and an academic path culminating in professorship. This entry delves into current Poland’s legal education system. It examines the structure, the academic journey from undergraduate to specialisation, and the distinct paths of classical and academic education. The essay navigates the intricate landscape of Polish legal studies, encompassing diverse institutions, varied curricula, and specialised training for classical legal professions. Additionally, it sheds light on the demanding academic path, from doctoral studies to the esteemed title of full professor, emphasising the nation’s commitment to producing both proficient legal practitioners and scholarly leaders.
    Pozostałe osiągnięcia naukoweMonografia (zamknięty dostęp)Monograph Chapter
  • 2025-02-04

    Intergenerational dynamics of family practices among young adults and their parents living together during the pandemic

    Radzińska, Jowita
    Bollig, Sabine
    Groß, Lisa
    How »family« is construed on a material and discursive level has gained increasing interest among educational and social work professionals. The contributors to this volume address that question in relation to the diverse everyday practices of »doing family« by its heterogeneous members. Their contributions build a transdisciplinary bridge between research on family life on the one hand and research on the formatting of family in welfare state contexts on the other. Fundamental to this is a decentred and fluid understanding of family that conceives itself as a contested set of relational activities in people's everyday lives that are socially recognized as »familial«.
    Pozostałe osiągnięcia naukoweMonografia (zamknięty dostęp)Monograph Chapter